On many papers and articles I found a lot of times the words ‘Know yourself’
Only twenty procent of our pain is fysical pain
By going deeper into the subject it becomes even more interesting. I like for instance to learn how to concentrate better. And of course I would like to know myself better. I found that by computer- science one can find even more about oneself than one knows naturally about themself.
In other words: we do not know much about ourselves, the computer can find out more things than we know and the computer can do that fast! For instance, the computer can tell us much about our health, the coming deseases and even when we are going to die . The computer can see if we are gay or straighth, even before we are aware about that!
Would you like to know that much about yourself?
It is risky, but maybe it is good to know more, so you can work on it and protect yourself against yourself. A bit scary it is. I read that ‘by having the control over the mind, your experiences will change and it will bring a deeper feeling of aliveness in your body and mind’ . So, let’s see how to get more control over mind.
When the mind is clear by meditation we become more succesfull
Meditation is as simple as 6 seconds to breathe in, hold for 4 seconds, and 20 seconds to breathe out . Of course there are more different meditation- technics to find, but for now we will do with this.
The first stap is mind clearing
Mind clearing is important before you go deeper into self-knowledge. But the mind is changing all the time. So, concentration is needed for mind clearing. Body and senses are changing too, but Soul does not change. Just be aware that the real Me stays forever. The essence of what we are is only God.
Where do we find the real Me?
The real Me is the Me, the Self that we cannot change. It is always there and it will be there forever. When we die, it is the real Me that stays. It stays alive. We know that mind is changing all the time and the body does as well. Those aren’t the real Self.
So, who am I?
I am not the persona; the persona is a mask. To find your True Self you have to seek. By the five senses we get more knowledge about the objective world, but that is not knowing yourself! There we do not find the real self.
By going within with your mind, looking in yourself, you can find yourself by meditation. That is the basic way to do it. Than you get more knowledge about yourself. By doing so regularly the effect will come. But first clear your mind before you go inside. By meditate every day for half a hour you can come in tact with your inner Self and you can ask questions to your inner Master.
Become one with yourself
Sometimes they call that your ‘Higher Self’. Go inside with your mindful cleared mind in meditation and repeat the meditation every day for a while.
Pure conscience
By pure conscience we find our Real Me
Be aware
Look for Atman/Spirit/Soul/ or whatever you like to call it. Your soul is with you. The Atman (your soul) survives dead. It will always be there.
The mind reflects conscience, like the moon reflects sunlight
There is no dead of Soul
To understand more about knowing yourself we can have a look at this video. It explains a lot more about it. It is an important question and is worth for a deeper look into …
It is nice to listen to this Swami. So, take a listen and enjoy.
Dorien Jansen

Real Ohm revealed
In the beginning rises the dot the dot moves to create a arc (golden ean spiral)! one becomes two static and kinetic, Shiva and Shakti
three arcs are created with the dot in the center Trinity is established Multi-verse is born
AEIOUM is thus the symbol of creation called Om or Aum when true knowledge is lost
amongst children of earth every vowel is part of the play ……. By Prashant Trivedi
Tik hierop voor Kundalini Yoga !
Dorien Jansen