Welcome readers of the website!
My name is R.Jansen or Radclyffe

Since a long time i study astrology. When i started doing so, it was the Western way of astrology that i did, but since i know about Jyotish i switched. I changed to that.
Because that is the best way to do it in my opinion. Indian astrology or Jyotish is more exact. Last year I graduated in 2018 Jyotish. I was studying at the international academie for astrology. www.dirah.org.
What I do
I can make your Vedic horoscope = Indian Chart and i can give a reading with Tarot cards. If you like the e-books that i made you can buy them for a very little bit of money. You can have a look.

A brief introduction in Vedic astrology
Jyotish or Vedic astrology is called ‘the study of Light’ .
In the ‘Rig Veda’, in the Holy tekst book from India, you can find teksts about this study.
The difference between Vedic and Western astrology
The difference in a brief explanation is that the old Vedic seers, the very wise people from India, a long time ago determined the position of the planets from the true rotation of the earth in a 24 hours time period. They look at the stars from the side of the Nakshatras, that is from the exact side of the stars on the firmament. (Nakshatras are groups of stars).
But the Romans (Western astrologers) determined the degrees of the planets from the spring equinox point, when sun enters the zodiac sign Aries. That is a different way of counting.
So, you see, that the Vedic way of counting is different

The Indian way of counting a horoscope is different from the way we are used to do. They are looking from the side of the constellations, from the side of the Nakshatra star groups and the Western astrologers are still counting from the spring equinox point, so that is a bit different !
The Indian way is the REAL EXACT way of counting. The Egyptian and Mayan mapping of the sky is almost exactly the same as the way of mapping by Vedic or Indian astrology. This Eastern astrology is taken serious by all the science communities around the world. The pandits, (priests in India) are still using this science to get insight in the charts and life of justborn children in India.
These Pandits, are looking at the perspective and abilities of a new born child for the coming life and on this matter, can give good advice to the parents about what is coming for the little boy or girl.
These Pandits are astrologers who help the parents with advice and with good ideas for the upbringing of their children by analising their charts.
This astrology is also used in India for finding the right partner for a girl and for a boy when they are ready to get married.
Discover how Jyotiṣh or Vedic astrology illuminates your path of dharma. By doing so it can help you by interpreting your possibilities and talents, so that life becomes more easy to choose the right path. Studying Jyotish will illuminates your dharma. It can help you by interpreting your possibilities and talents.
Than life becomes more clear.
If you have questions you can mail me.
Telephone: +31618676720
Dorien Jansen