Learn more about Jyotish Astrology see my e-boook Jyotish for beginners
The Western or Tropical chart and the Sidereal or Vedic chart
2. Nakshatra’s and Dasha’s
The Indian way of making a chart is different from the way we make a chart in the west.
The Indian chart is called the Sidereal chart or Vedic chart and the Western chart we call the Tropical chart. The difference at the moment is around 24 degrees.
That 24 degrees is the Ayanamsha that we have to subtract from the Western chart to get the Indian chart. It is called the Lahiri Ayanamsha, as it is defined by the Lahiri Commission installed by the government in India.The reason that it is different is because the Indian and the Western astrologers used a different way of counting thousands years ago.
The western zodiac, the Tropical chart, is fixed on the point where spring begins, on the star Spica, in Europe at the 21st of the month Marz, around 2000 years ago; it is made like that by the Greek . The star Spica is located on zero degree Libra.
But in India the Sidereal zodiac is fixed on the stars, on the Nakshatras, around 5000 years ago
The constellations how we see them in the sky are not exactly 30 degrees, the Lahiri Ayanamsha shows the difference between the western and the sidereal zodiac. And that difference was exactly 24 degrees in the year 2010. The astrologers from India look at the sight from the stars.
They look from the side of the fixed Nakshatras and in the west they look from the zero point in Aries, by the start of spring in Europe. The point in the Tropical zodiac is not fixed like the Nakshatras, as the Indian did.
That is why the Ayanamsha becomes one degree bigger every 71.5 years . Further we can see that the western zodiac is more a zodiac that is based on seasons and the sidereal zodiac has to do with constellations, what are the fixed Nakshatras!
Now we know that every constellatie belongs 30 degrees, (but not exactly) we see that in the sky the point of spring is 6 degrees in Pisces at the moment. (30 degrees – 24 degrees = 6 degrees). Remember that it moves backwards, it moves retrograde. It will take around 430 years before the start point of spring will be in Aquarius. That shows us that the real Aquarius time did not start yet.
Janma Nakshatra or birth constellation
The ‘Janma nakshatra’ or birth constellation: The Nakshatra in which the Moon is placed at the time of birth is called ‘the Janma Nakshatra’ or birth constellation. There you look at the degrees.
When you know the degree position of this Moon Nakshatra, look also at the degrees of the other planet ‘s and their Nakshatra positions. Everything in the cosmos is moving, for instance look at the precession of the equinoxes. Even the Nakshatras are (only a little bit) moving. We know that they move every 71.5 year 1 degree.
The Mahabharatha is one of the philosophical books and it contains 2.00.000 couplets. It is a vast epic, what is narrated in the form of a story, impregnated with various principles. It is followed by many people who like to meditate on this book full of wisdom .
When the Vedic sages were mapping the sky around 5000 years ago, they were looking from the side of the Nakshatras in the sky. In India they are still looking from the side of the stars. It is the side of the fixed Nakshatras.
The difference between Western and Eastern astrology
Besides the way of counting, there is a difference at interpreting as well. Because in the western astrology they look more at the position of the sun, the ego, and in the Indian way of astrology they look more at the whole situation, the whole universe.
The moon is the most powerful planet in Indian astrology. Because the moon gets the light and the Prana of the sun and brings it down on earth . Without the moon the sun cannot bring the life force, the prana to the earth. So in India they see the moon as the most important and powerful planet.
What else do we know about the moon?
Chandra, the Moon (Sanskrit: चन्द्र, IAST: Candra, lit. “shining” or “moon”)[1][a] is a lunar deity and is also one of the nine houses (Navagraha) in Hinduism. Chandra is as a synoniem referred to as Soma. Other names include Indu (bright drop), Atrisuta (son of Atri), Sachin (marked by hare), Taradhipa (lord of stars) and Nishakara (the night maker) . We know that the moon has no light and shines because it reflects light from the sun and so the moon reflects the light, what comes from the sun to earth.
Who was Aryabhatta?
Aryabhatta was a man with a very sharp mind in India. He was born in Kerala and lived from 476 AD to 550 AD. (After Christ). He was one of the most famous people during that time and he was an extraordinary teacher and scholar who had immense knowledge about mathematics and astronomy.
He suggested the Heliocentric theory which proved that the sun is located in the centre of the solar system and that all the planets revolve around it. In fact he made this discovery way before Copernicus made this discovery in the west.
The astronomical calculations and deductions suggested by Aryabhatta are extraordinary by the fact that he didn’t have any modern equipment or instrument to do it.
With his sharp brain and his dedication and hard work he solved the various mysteries of the solar system
He also deduced that the earth is round in shape and rotates along its own axis which forms the existence of day and night. Many superstitious beliefs were challenged by him and he presented scientific reasons to prove them wrong.
He also said that the moon has no light and shines because it reflects light from the sun. He proved wrong the false belief that eclipse is caused because of the shadows formed by the shadows cast by the earth and the moon. Aryabhatta used epicycles in a similar manner to the Greek Philosopher Ptolemy to illustrate the inconsistent movement of some planets.
This great astronomer wrote the famous treatise Aryabhatiya, which was based on astronomy in 499 AD. This treatise was acknowledged as a masterpiece. Aryabhatiya is a treatise that includes various facts related to Hindu mathematics and astronomy that appeared during those times. The treatise comprises of four chapters that are concerned with sine tables and astronomical constants.
It also comprises of rules to calculate the longitudes of the planets by utilizing epicycles and eccentrics and also the rules related to trigonometry and calculation of eclipses. There is a ganita section in the Aryabhatiya, which include various innovative methods for calculating the lengths of the chords of circles by using the half chord method unlike the Greeks who used the full chord method.
Contribution in the approximation of PI
Aryabhatta is among the mathematicians who brought new deductions and theories in mathematics and astronomy. His contribution to the mathematics is unmatched and cannot be ignored, as he was the one who deduced the approximate value of pi, which he found it to be 3.14.
He also derived the correct formulas for calculating the areas of triangles and circles. He also played a very important role in the formation of the table of Sines.
His role in the place value system
He also played a very major role in determining the place value system and discovering the zero. He worked on the summation series of square roots and cube roots. He is regarded as the first to use zero in the place value system. He also calculated the Sidereal rotation which is the rotation of the earth in relation to the fixed stars.
His theories and deductions formed the base of the trigonometry and algebra. For his extraordinary works and contributions to mathematics and astronomy, India’s first satellite was named as Aryabhatta. Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences near Nainital and the Aryabhatta Knowledge University in Patna, in India are also named after him.
Since a lot of years India is also more individualized, like we are in the west. (Special by multi media, like it is all over the world). But it is still not so much individualized as it is here in the west.
Years ago, when ‘the Vallei culture’ was still ruling in India, they were living under an matriarchaat, with less wars and more respect for nature. Anyway India is still as beautiful as it can be and i gonna visit India soon.
Nakshatra ‘s and Dasha ‘s
Another difference between the western and Indian astrology is that in India we have Jyotish astrology, were we have to do with Nakshatra ’s and with Dasha ‘s, that we do not use in western astrology.
These methode ’s are very interesting to learn.Because with these tools we can find out much more about situations and we can have a better look in time and we can much more specify the issues around a person and around a whole situation.
People born with Moon in Revati Nakshatra
The area of Revati Nakshatra comprises the shades of protection, nourishment, brilliance and growth. The area of Revati nakshatra is believed to be the birth star of Shanu (the moon god) and that is why it impact the enclosure. Revati means wealthy or abundant. It is the last Nakshatra of the zodiacal extension from 346.40 degree to 360 degree corresponding to the ‘fishes belly’.
The people born under the Revati nakshatra are independent and they have a strong personality, they follow the practical approach in life. They are also intellectual but are fickle minded in their thoughts and actions.
They travel to the foreign land and most of the time they like to study and are the most learned in their families. Revati nakshatra cannot keep anything secret for a long time. (And there is more to tell about this nakshatra).
An nakshatra has always four pada ‘s to make the outcome even more specific. To see more about Jyotish astrology and about Nakshatras – look at my other article about Jyotish on this website and if you like to contact me – mail or call me.
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Learn more about Jyotish Astrology see my e-boook Jyotish for beginners