Nakshatras or Lunar Mansions in Hindu Vedic Astrology
Astrology is a divine Shastra.
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In India the Moon is a very important planet in astrology. We call the horoscope in India ‘the Sidereal chart’. It is the chart made by looking from the site of an constellation of stars, named Nakshatras.
The moon is so important because the moon gets the Light and the Prana (life-force) from the sun and brings it to earth by its reflexion. The light of the sun does not go directly to earth, it needs the moon.
That is why the moon has a big influence and is seen as the most powerful planet
How do you know in which Nakshatra you are born ? You can see that easily, because each Nakshatra has a certain planet as being its lord and by birth the lord of the Nakshatra in which the Moon is placed by birth time decides which will be your first Nakshatra in your life.
For instance my Nakshatra where i have the Moon in is Revathi. And the lord of Revathi is Mercury. So Mercury is the first Nakshatra or Dasha in my life. Look further below on this page by the subject ‘Dasha ‘s’. There it is explained again and a bit more. The word Nakshatra means: stable for ever.
‘Stable for ever’, because Nakshatras are ‘ fixed stars’ who are standing on the firmament and will move slowly backwards in the heavenly sky. They are stable, but they are moving just a little bit. They move only one degree in 71.5 years. That is not a big movement at all, but after thousands of years it counts! Than there is a difference from where it started 5000 years ago.
The Sidereal Moon will take approximately 28 days to make a travel through all 27 Nakshatras. For example: the Moon is going through Nakshatra Revati from: november twenty nine at 05:12 PM until the first of december 02:28 PM. The Moon walks through one Nakshatra during 13:20 degrees . (Thirteen degrees and twenty minutes). There are 27 Nakshatras.
One sign (for instance Aries) has two and a quater of Nakshatras in it. 27 x 13:20 degrees = 360 degrees. After 360 degrees the moon has been through all the signs of the zodiac and through all those 27 Nakshatras. Each Nakshatra is the fixed portion of each Rashi in the sky. A Nakshatra is a group of stars.
When birth takes place we identify the Star or Nakshatra by this methode.
The Moon
In Hinduism, Chandra is one of the most important and revered deities. Chandra is a Navgraha that influences all life on earth. As Hindu, we follow the lunar calendar and therefore, the moon is very important for us. Astrologically, it is even more significant than the sun.
The moon is a favorable planet/star and is associated with purity, wisdom and good intentions. In fact, when the moon is placed favorable in an individual’s horoscope, it makes their life much more vibrant and meaningful.
Rituals and significance of Chandra Darshan. Chandra Darshan is a special day which falls right after the day of Amavasya or the ‘no moon day’. Devotees fast on this day and offer prayers to Chandra Dev.
Fast is observed on this day to gain good fortune, luck and prosperity.The moon is known by the Chandra (Sanskrit: चन्द्र, IAST: Candra, lit. “shining” or “moon”)[1][a] is a lunar deity and is also one of the nine houses (Navagraha) in Hinduism. Chandra is synonymous referred to as Soma.The Moon and her names
Other names include Indu (bright drop), Atrisuta (son of Atri), Sachin (marked by hare), Taradhipa (lord of stars) and Nishakara (the night maker). Nakshatras are constellations or celestial luninaries who make the difference in astrological calculations.
The 27 Nakshatra ‘s
The zodiac was grouped in 12 Rashis for convenience, however the ancient Seers (the very wise people) have farther subdivided the heavens into 27 Nakshatras or star constellations for the call of precession.
These constellations are the Nakshatras
These Nakshatras emerged as one of the most important components in Vedic Astrology
Table of Nakshatra ‘s
- Ashwini – 35 Beta Arietis – Ashwini brothers – Ketu – Blood red
- Bharani – 35 Arietis – Yama – Venus – Blood red
- Krittika – Eta Tauri – Agni – Sun – White
- Rohini – Aldebaran – Brahma – Moon – White
- Mrighshirsa – Lambda Orionis – Chandra – Mars – Silver Grey
- Aridra – Alpha Orionis – Rudra – Rahu – Green
- Punarvasu – Beta Geminorium – Aditya – Jupiter – Lead
- Pushya – Delta Cancri – Brihaspathi – Saturn – Black with red
- Ashlesha – Alpha Hydroe Nagas – Mercury – Black with red
- Magha – Regulus – Pithras – Ketu – Ivory or cream
- Purvaphalguni – Delta – Leonis Bhaga – Venus – Light brown
- Uttaraphalguni – Beta Leonis – Aryaman – Sun – Bright blue
- Hasta – Delta Corvi – Aditya – Moon – Deep green
- Chitra – Spica – Virginis Vegus Tvashtav – Mars – Black
- Swati – Arcturus – Vayu – Rahu – Black
- Vishakha – Alpha Libroe – Indra and Agni – Jupiter – Golden
- Anuradha – Delta Scorpio – Mitra – Saturn – Reddish brown
- Jyeshtha – Antares – Indra – Mercury – Cream
- Mula – Lambda Scorpio – Nirrti – Ketu – Brownish yellow
- Purvashadha – Delta Sagittari – Jal – Venus – Black
- Uttarashadha – Sigma sagittari Vishwa – Deva – Sun – Copper
- (Abhijit – Vega – Brahma – Sun – Brownish yellow)
- Shravana – Alpha Aquiloe – Vishnu – Moon – Light blue
- Dhanishtha – Beta Delphinum – Ashta Vasav – Mars – Silver grey
- Shatbhisha – Lambda Aquarius – Varuna – Rahu – Aquamarine
- Poorvabhadrapada – Alpha Pegasi – Ajaikapat – Jupiter – Silver grey
- Uttarabhadrapada – Gama Pegasi Ahir – Budhanya – Saturn – Purple
- Revati – Zeta – Pishcum Pooshvav – Mercury – Brow
The Nakshatras are divided into three cycles of nine, which are always ruled by 9 planets in the same orde

The nine planets are Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturnus and Mercury. The division of the sky into 27 sections relates to the Moon, as it stays in one Nakshatra for 24 hours. One Rashi or sign has 2 1/4 Nakshatras within it. ‘Naksha’ means ‘to get closer’, ‘Tra’ means ‘to preserve’. That is why Nakshatra means ‘one that never decays’, There exists an Nakshatra number 22 called Abhijit.
This Nakshatra was part of the normal Nakshatra mandala and it is 4 degrees 13 minutes and 20 seconds long. (04:13:20 long) and it is placed between 06:40 and 10:53:20 Capricorn. It was the most auspicious Nakshatra during the ancient times. It was so powerful that before an activity began, when the Moon was in that Nakshatra, it guaranteed unparalleled succes.
The story about that auspicious powerful Nakshatra goes like this:
‘During the Mahabharata, lord Krishna came to know that Duryodhana was planning to start a war with the five Pandava brothers at a time when the Moon was in Abhijit. He was aware of the power of the Abhijit Nakshatra and the good constellations of the sun and the stars at that specific moment and knew that the Pandava brothers would lose the war on such an auspicious time-set for the enemy.
That is why Lord Krishna removed the Nakshatra from the Nakshatra mandala. Because Lord Krishna wanted to avoid misuse of this auspicious Nakshatra. We still are counting 28 Nakshatras.
This Nakshatra number 22 is called Abhijit, and this Nakshatra is seen as an Nakshatra special for the soul; it is seen as an secret link to help us understand the true quality of the soul. It ‘s knowledge is essential for the more serious astrologer; when we are studying Abhijit we should think of its existing side by side with Uttara Ashada Nakshatra and Shravana Nakshatra. When we make an analyse we should include both Nakshatras.
Nakshatra is the Indian name for lunar constellation
There are four steps or Pada ‘s for each Nakshatra

Here we only count the 27 Nakshatras. Each pada beholds 03:20:00 degrees. The moon (the lunar god Chandra) stays one day in each Nakshatra. (13:20:00 degrees is one Nakshatra).
One sign has 2 and a quart of Nakshatra in it. 27 Nakshatras become 360 degrees. According to the Vedic literature: ‘stars are the physical expressions of the Devas’. Devas are gods or half – gods. Gods are the Shining Ones.
There are many gods or devas, but in the same time there is oneness. We and all the gods together are one. The shining ones can we find in the galaxy of the gods. We are all one with the galaxy, so we are in fact little peaces of the shining ones. When we are enlightened bright shining individuals, we are aware and than our conscience is growing.

Nakshatra ’s and Dasha ‘s
There are nine planets that we use by looking at Maha dasha ‘s and by Bhukti dasha ‘s.
These planets follow always the same orde.
These planets are: Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturnus, Mercurius, Ketu and Venus.
But where it starts depends on when you were born. You could be born in the middle of any Maha Dasha or at the end or in the beginning of any Maha Dasha.
It could be in the dasha of Mercury or in the dasha of Venus, that also depends on when and where you were born. Date, place and time are important to find out the ruling Maha Dasha, look at your Moon at first by birth. Your Blue Print.
How long will a planet be your Maha Dasha?
A Maha Dasha stays a long time, some a bit longer than others. They stay all in a different length of time.
Dasha means… ‘Timing of the faith of human beings based on the position and condition of the planets at birth “

Time table of an Mahadasha:
When the Sun is your Mahadasha it will be for 6 years
When the Moon is your Mahadasha it twill be for 10 years
When Mars is your Mahadasha it will be for 7 years
When Rahu is your Mahadasha it will be for 18 years
When Jupiter is your Mahadasha it will be for 16 years
When Saturn is your Mahadasha it will be for 19 years
When Mercury is your Mahadasha it twill be for 17 years
When Ketu is your Mahadasha it will be for 7 years
When Venus is your Mahadasha it will be for 20 years .
When you are born in the half periode ( 50 procent) of – for instance the Mercury Dasha, than you start to count the years that the dasha will stay after 50 procent. For instance
Mercury stays normal 17 years as being a Maha Dasha, than for you – you start to count at 8 years and a half, when you were born in the middle of the time line of that Dasha. Or when you were born in a Mahadasha that is almost over, you will start soon with the next Maha Dasha. For example when Mercury has done, than Ketu starts to be the following Maha Dasha. Because after Mercury always Ketu follows.
- The Moon is ruling over Nakshatra ‘s Rohini, Hasta and Shravana
- Mars is ruling over Nakshatra ‘s Mrigasira, Chitra and Dhanista
- Rahu is ruling over Nakshatra ‘s Ardra, Swati and Shathabhisha
- Jupiter is ruling over Nakshatra ’s Punarvasu, Vishakha and Poorvashadha
- Saturn is ruling over Nakshatra ’s Pushya, Anuradha and Uttarabhadra
- Mercury is ruling over Nakshatra ’s Ashlesha, Jyestha and Revathi
- Ketu is ruling over Nakshatra ‘s Aswini, Magha and Moola
- Venus is ruling over Nakshatra ‘s Bharani, P. Phalguni and Poorvashdha
The Maha Dasha periode always has effect on us. Dasha system means: ‘Timing of the faith of human beings based on the position and condition of the planets of birth’.

The influence that you will feel from the Dasha depends on how the ruling Maha Dasha planet stands in your Rashi
(Your Rashi is your basic horoscope). Have a look at your Rashi chart, or birth chart and see if the ruling planet of the Maha dasha in that chart has a good stand. Is the ruling Maha Dasha planet fallen in your Rashi or is it exalted or is it in his own sign?
- In what house does it stands? Has it Dik Bala?
- Has it good aspects of the other planets?
- What is the lord of that house doing ? |
- Is it in conjunction with another planet ?
- There are many points that we have to keep in mind!
For instance – are there any yoga ‘s involved? There are a lot of things that we can look at to have a clear perception of the faith of a human being. The main epics of India are the Ramayana and the Mahabharatha.
The Mahabharata period ranges from 5000 BC to 6000 BC
The Ramayana period ranges from around 7000 BC. All lineages are coming from these two epics.
We know the the Rig Veda for instance as an lineage where we can find a lot of things about Jyotish, Ayurveda and about Mantras. In India they have kept their heritage pure.
Since a lot of years India is also more individualised like we are in the west. (Special by multi media, like it is all over the world). But it is still not so much individualised as it is here in the west.
Years ago, when ‘the Vallei culture’ was still ruling in India, they were living under an matriarchaat. Under a Matriarchaat there are less wars and there is more respect for nature. Anyway India is still as beautiful as it can be and i gonna visit India soon.
Nakshatra ‘s and Dasha ‘s
Now I have told you about Nakshatras in my article ‘Dasha ‘s and Nakshatra ‘s two’, I think it is more clear for my beginners in Jyotish. (See that article on the website here). It is a fact that these principles are very interesting to learn for you astrology lovers! Because with these tools we can find out much more about situations, because we can have a better look in time and we can much more specify the issues around a person and around a whole situation.
The Nakshatra Revati
It is also important if the Moon in a chart is dark or bright and if the Moon is waning or not. The nakshatra Revathi is the nakshatra of the sign Pisces. Revati belongs to the divine enclosure with the Deity ‘Pusan’ which begins with 16:40 degrees and ends at 30 degrees in Pisces Zodiac and is ruled by the planet Mercury.
Pusan vibrates through the sky
The area of Revati nakshatra comprises the shades of protection, nourishment, brilliance and growth.The area of Revati nakshatra is believed to be the birth star of Shandra (the Moon God) and that is why it impact the enclosure. Revati means wealthy or abundant. It is the last Nakshatra of the zodiacal extension from 346.40 degree to 360 degree.
Corresponding to the ‘fishes belly’

The people born under the Revati nakshatra are independent and they have a strong personality, they follow the practical approach in life.
They are intellectual but are fickle minded in their thoughts and actions. They travel to the foreign land and most of the time they like to study and are the most learned in their families. Revati nakshatra cannot keep anything secret for a long time.
It is said that the Revati people are very clean in their heart, sincere in their dealings and soft – spoken. But they get hurt easily when resistence arises.
He will not blindly believe, even his or her loved ones, but when confidence is there it will be alright.
They are God – fearing and religious people and they like to live in peace. An Nakshatra has always four pada ‘s to make the outcome even more specific.
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Learn more about Jyotish Astrology see my e-boook Jyotish for beginners
Dorien Jansen