There are many books of wisdom
And many of them are not even expensive. Most of the time the e-books are not expensive at all. In this article i like to look at some books. When you (reader) have ideas about books, that is great, write under this article your ideas if you like! We can have a look at this great video ’s first – to find out more about our destiny.
Contact From Planet Apu: Beings From the Future Among Us
In this revealing book, Ricardo González shares his incredible experiences with the Apunians, extraterrestrial beings that come from the future with a powerful message. In this book “the messages of the Beings are very precise and they have the elements to verify them. There is a hopeful future, but some old structures have to be transformed. What I would say to people is not to be afraid because fear is the antithesis of love.
Fear paralyzes and does not allow us to make the right decisions. We have to open our consciousness to react according to that and to create a better future for us all. Extraterrestrials may support us but they will never solve our problems. The real contact is with ourselves.” –Ricardo González.
The Ark: An extraterrestrial warning from Alpha Centauri
Ricardo González wrote another book what is called: ‘The Ark’. In “The Ark”, Ricardo González shares attractive and extraordinary information that was revealed by beings from other worlds: It says that humankind is preparing to leave the Earth and look for a new home in space. These human astronauts will travel to the region of Alpha Centauri and in the future, their descendants will come back.
These are the “extraterrestrials” who visit us today. The timelines of both stories are intertwining, and it is from there that an urgent message emerges: we are “them,” and we have to work together to modify critical events of the future. This fantastic book presents this warning and the evidence that a project to go to Alpha Centauri has already begun.
Selected by Extraterrestrials Volume 2: My life in the top secret world of UFOs, Think Tanks and Nordic secretaries Paperback –His memoirs
This is a wonderful book what is written by Bill Tompkins, who became famous by talking with Kerry Cassidy in Project Camelot. The first volume of Selected by Extraterrestrials covered the life of Bill Tompkins to about 1970 and did not go deeply into the super-secret briefings he attended with Navy spies reporting what was going on in Nazi Germany from 1942-1945.
Volume 2 of his ground-breaking memoirs covers those details and more about his subsequent aerospace career at companies including TRW. Here is a record of everything that Bill Tompkins wrote on his computer about his life until his death in 2017.
You can read what Bill was remembering as he typed his recollections over about 15 years. Of special interest is his detailed access to work being done by TRW that is largely still unknown, such as aggressive remote viewing projects with the early Bobby Ray Inman involvement, extensive underground alien and U.S. tunneling systems, and the interesting role TRW played in the content of movies.
Bill was in charge of the famous Joe Papp engine development that was one of many non-petroleum energy systems studied by TRW.Bill was entered the world of secrecy as a teenager, when the Navy took his personal ship models out of a Hollywood department store display window because they showed the classified locations of radars and gun emplacements.
He was present at the “Battle of L.A.” when 1430 antiaircraft rounds were fired at UFOs, and he claims one of the Nordic craft selected him to be their rep in the evolving aerospace race. After working at North American Aviation and Northrop, he was hired by Douglas Aircraft Company in 1950, and when they found out about his involvement in classified work, was given a job as a draftsman with a peripheral assignment to work in a “think tank”.
It was controlled by the Navy personnel who used to work for James Forrestal and who developed what probably later became the “Solar Warden” secret spacecraft system. Volume 2 provides very personal interactions with his co-workers and secretaries, some of whom the he believes were Nordic aliens helping the “good guys” here on Earth.
He sketched six alien craft he personally saw on TV when Armstrong was landing on the Moon. Born in May 1923, Bill Tompkins was one of the few survivors of the “big war”, married to the same woman Mary, and told his story about what he really did during his aerospace life from the 1940s through 2017 and confirmed the existence of a secret space program today. See this two video ‘s with Bill Tompkins!
Bill Tompkins on YouTube
Tompkins claimed that during World War II, the Nazis received technology from aliens, due to which they were able to build huge underground factories in Antarctica.
Thousands of workers were taken there and in these factories, they made flying saucers. Tompkins said that those technologies were transferred to Germany by the Draco civilization (alien civilization). They built spaceships in Germany trained the Germans during the war. Draco’s plan was to eliminate humans on Earth.
The Book of Secret Wisdom: The Prophetic Record of Human Destiny and Evolution Paperback – October 12, 2015
This book is a bestseller and written by Zinovia Dushkova (Author)
In these troubled times, do you wonder about the future and the destiny of humanity? Do you want to know the true purpose of your existence on Earth and in the Universe? The most secret book in the world holds the answers you seek! Zinovia Dushkova has written more wonderful books.
Some other good books that i still like to read are ‘The secret teachings of all ages’. And many others ofcourse! Look at my list.
You can find some books here under. If you know some more, just let me know. I will make a contact pagina soon, so we can talk. The first book is about the secret teachings of all ages by Manly P. Hall. This man is enormous famous, i hope you were listening to him once in a while? If not, i will put here a lecture of him for you to listen.
The Dulce Protocol by Robert Teske
This is the “Grandfather” of all conspiracy theories in regards to Ufology, ET, and everything “Alien”. The famed “Roswell Crash of 1947” is just the “tip of the iceberg”. The Prophesies of Revelation, Daniel, and Ezekiel are playing out before our eyes today, before the eyes of THIS generation TODAY!
In view of the current environmental, social, political, and economical atmosphere that permeates every culture of this world, you must be able to see the BIGGER picture; the entire spectrum, if you will, not just one color.
And that spectrum goes far beyond what anyone could have ever perceived possible. It goes beyond science fiction. Hollywood couldn’t even have conceived the reality of Hell ON, BENEATH, or ABOVE Earth.
But rest assured, they will damned sure try to convince you otherwise. With that said, don’t even try to imagine what is between the covers of this manuscript. You have to read it for yourself. There will be many who will discard any and all notion that any of this could remotely be true. Are the words between these cover true? I don’t know. I pray to God that they’re NOT.
But I will tell you this much, I have definitely gone through an Attitude Adjustment, and I have seriously begun to question my concepts of reality. We are living in very dangerous and very treacherous times. So read on and see if any of this makes as much sense to you as it does to me. Open your hearts, open your minds, and question EVERYTHING! – Bob Teske – April, 2012 32 Chapters Foreword Dedication Introduction Disclaimer Chapter 1 The Octopus, Black Projects and the Dulce Facility Chapter 2 High Strangeness on the Archuleta Plateau Chapter 3 Dulce New Mexico and a Cosmic Conspiracy Chapter 4 Dulce New Mexico & The Nazi Connection Chapter 5 Report From A Japanese Television Crew Chapter 6 ‘Cosmic Top Secret’ And The Dulce Base Chapter 7 A Dulce Vanguard At Deep Springs? Chapter 8 An Alien Fifth Column On Earth? Chapter 9 Technological Terrorism & The Dulce Base Chapter 10 The Deep Dark Secret at Dulce Chapter 11 A Dulce Base Security Officer Speaks Out Chapter 12 Operation Retaliation – Paul Bennewitz:
Chapter 13 Dulce New Mexico & The Draconian Connection Chapter 14 Raging Battles Beneath The Earth: The Dulce Wars Chapter 15 Dulce: An Ancient Terminal To Inner & Outer Space Chapter 16 Dulce New Mexico & The Ashtar Connection Chapter 17 The Black Budget And The Underground Empire Chapter 18 Dulce & the Military-Industrial Establishment Chapter 19 Who Controls The Draconian Collective Chapter 20 Special Forces: Defenders Of Planet Earth? Chapter 21 Probing DeeperInto The Dulce Enigma Chapter 22 Mystery-Maverick Jim McCambell Takes On the Dulce-Bennewitz Enigma Chapter 23 Inside Intelligence On The Dulce Base Chapter 24 The Dulce Network – North Sector Chapter 25 Danger Down Under – The Christa Tilton Story Chapter 26 The Dulce Caverns and Pueblo Mythology Chapter 27 Dulce and the Secret Files of a U.S. Intelligence Worker Chapter 28 “The Organization”: Inside The Collaboration Chapter 29 “They Live”: Chameleons In Our Midst!? Chapter 30 Confessions of an FBI “X-File” Agent Chapter 31 (OMITTED) Chapter 32 (OMITTED) Chapter 33 Phil Schneider VS. The New World Order
This is the “Grandfather” of all conspiracy theories in regards to Ufology, ET, and everything “Alien”. The famed “Roswell Crash of 1947” is just the “tip of the iceberg”.The Prophesies of Revelation, Daniel, and Ezekiel are playing out before our eyes today, before the eyes of THIS generation TODAY!
In view of the current environmental, social, political, and economical atmosphere that permeates every culture of this world, you must be able to see the BIGGER picture; the entire spectrum, if you will, not just one color.
And that spectrum goes far beyond what anyone could have ever perceived possible. It goes beyond science fiction. Hollywood couldn’t even have conceived the reality of Hell ON, BENEATH, or ABOVE Earth.
But rest assured, they will damned sure try to convince you otherwise. With that said, don’t even try to imagine what is between the covers of this manuscript.
You have to read it for yourself. There will be many who will discard any and all notion that any of this could remotely be true. Are the words between these cover true?
This key to the worlds esoteric traditions unlocks some of the most fascinating and closely held secrets of myth, religion, and philosophy.
Unrivaled in its beauty and completeness, it distills ancient and modern teachings of nearly 600 experts. Compelling themes range from the riddle of the Sphinx and the tenets of Pythagorean astronomy to the symbolism of the pentagram, the significance of the Ark of the Covenant, and the design of the American flag.
Acclaimed by Publishers Weekly as a classic reference, dizzying in its breadth, this remarkable resource was compiled by the founder of the Philosophical Research Society. Author Manly P. Hall examines the secrets of Isis along with arcane aspects of mystic Christianity and other religions.
Fascinating surveys cover topics as diverse as Kabbalah, alchemy, cryptology, and Tarot, along with Masonry, gemology, and the identity of William Shakespeare.
Sixteen pages of color plates and 100 black-and-white images by the celebrated illustrator J. Augustus Knapp illuminate this vast and indispensable encyclopedia of the occult.